Our generation is busier than ever-before. We’re all time-constrained, facing ever-increasing pressures at work and at home. Staying on top of everything while adding learning to the mix is not an easy thing to do. It’s essential though, if we want to keep growing, personally and professionally. Lifelong learning is not just a sexy word. It’s what makes the difference between staying relevant in our line of work versus falling into oblivion.
Learning increases our mental bandwidth, improves our decision-making skills and helps us perform at our best. The brain is not a muscle, but it acts pretty much like one. Exercise it regularly and it will stay healthy and get fitter. Fail to train it properly, and it will atrophy. If we’re not learning, we’re not being stuck at the same level as before, but actually getting worse. This is because the world around us is moving ahead. Fast. Jump on the bandwagon or you’re left behind.