Unsolicited Advice: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Unsolicited advice
Builder, entrepreneur at heart, product marketer, passionate learner, avid reader, curious traveller, annoying wife & mom.
  1. OMG Irina! Awesome post! Congratulations! I can totally relate to every situation you mentioned here! I myself never appreciated unsolicited advice, I have a problem with advices in general, and indeed, I struggled more with this problem once I became a mother. The good news is, at least in my case, it got better in time and learned to be more tolerant and not care that much.

    1. Thanks a lot, Dana! I am not sure whether things got better in time, or we just got better in managing them though 🙂 At least in my case, the unsolicited advice on raising my kid keeps coming, but I got really good in ignoring it

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